Why Mental Health Coaches Are an Essential Component of Employee Well-Being

Most people think of employer mental health resources, such as employee assistance programs, as employee benefits that only help individuals with mental health difficulties or disorders. But there are times when individuals in good mental health need support to be their best or cope with life’s challenges.

Mental Health Coaching provides individuals with the proper guidance to help them implement coping strategies to handle life’s challenges and maximize their potential. Today’s mental health solutions providers should offer support for those individuals who want to work on positive change and reach goals.

What is Mental Health Coaching?

Drawing upon cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based stress reduction, short-term-focused consultation and similar frameworks, mental health coaching supports individuals in achieving their full potential with an emphasis on mental and emotional health and performance. Coaching assists individuals in gaining skills and increased self-efficacy to promote resilience and lifestyle behaviors that support positive mental health, effective performance, and productivity.

How Mental Health Coaching Differs from Therapy

Mental health coaches are non-licensed professionals with a clinical background who partner with individuals to assist with coping skills, processing and healing from everyday stressors. Unlike licensed clinicians, mental health coaches do not diagnose or provide treatment. However, coaches have sufficient training and experience to recognize when a client requires a referral to a licensed clinician or other resources with the appropriate expertise.

As opposed to therapy, where the focus is on the past – with an emphasis on emotions – to understand the present, mental health coaching focuses on the present and reaching future goals. In other words, mental health coaching concentrates on “how” and the strategy for the desired change; therapy centers on “why” and developing insight and self-awareness.

Who is Mental Health Coaching For?

Just like physical health, mental health exists on a continuum, from healthy (thriving) to ill (in crisis). Mental health can change depending on an individual’s circumstances or experiences. The mental health continuum illustrates the different stages an individual can experience throughout life and career.

BHS uses the mental health continuum to determine the appropriate care pathway for individuals. Mental health coaching is suitable for persons functioning in their life (health or reacting) who see themselves as the agent for change. As such, mental health coaching is excellent for assisting individuals with:

  • Reducing stress or anxiety
  • Preventing burnout
  • Coping with a life event
  • Managing life transitions
  • Overcoming imposter syndrome (self-doubt)
  • Resolving workplace performance issues
  • Building resilience
  • Restoring work-life balance

Conversely, mental health coaching is not recommended for:

  • Post-traumatic stress or trauma
  • Risk issues
  • Mental illness diagnoses
  • Substance misuse
  • Behavioral addictions
  • Couples or family work
  • Children and teenagers

Why Mental Health Coaches Are an Essential Component of Employee Well-Being

Not everyone needs to see a counselor.

As demonstrated by the mental health continuum, individuals in good mental health (thriving or reacting) may not require counseling. Mental health coaching opens a new door for these individuals to improve their personal or professional performance and maximize their true potential.

Increases mental health resource utilization.

Mental health coaching allows more individuals to access support. When included in your mental health resources, such as your EAP, mental health coaching increases program utilization and, ultimately, program awareness. When individuals have positive experiences with a mental health coach, they are increasingly likely to promote the services to their colleagues.

It’s good for business.

We have established that mental health coaching helps individuals focus and excel in their roles. By empowering employees to break down barriers to success, mental health coaching improves performance and productivity. Furthermore, coaching can assist individuals in taking charge of their well-being while building an organizational culture of help-seeking and support. It’s a win for both the employee and the organization.

BHS Mental Health Coaches

BHS ensures individuals have access to the proper support no matter where they fall on the mental health continuum. Mental health coaching is an essential component of our mental health solutions offerings and is included in our Guide Care Concierge and EAP services.

BHS directly employs a team of credentialed and experienced mental health coaches to work with individuals in good mental health who need support to be their best or cope with life’s challenges.

Our mental health coaches provide the proper guidance to help them implement coping strategies to handle life’s challenges and maximize their potential.

The results of BHS mental health coaching are significant. In 2022, 96 percent of our participants reported that their overall well-being improved since working with a mental health coach. Additionally, our mental health coaches maintained a 98 percent satisfaction rate.


Need a solution that provides access to mental health coaches? Contact us to learn how BHS mental health solutions can improve your organization.

Post Written by

Licensed Master Social Worker

Alicia is the manager of coaching and counseling at BHS. Since she joined BHS in 2006, Alicia has held the roles of Care Coordinator, Staff Counselor, Well-Being Coach and Director of Learning and Development. Her experience includes facilitating trainings, group coaching and discussions on a range of well-being and mental health topics with specialties in resiliency and building coping skills, positive communication, preventing burnout, people-first leadership and mind-body connection practices. Alicia graduated with a B.S. in Social Work from Juniata College and received a master’s in Social Work from the University of Maryland.
